Nikon D3300 vs. Nikon D5300 and 18-55mm vs. 18-140mm Comparison

On this video comparison photographer Tony Northrup takes a look at two very popular current entry level DSLR cameras from Nikon – the D3300 and the somewhat more advanced D5300.

There are a lot of similarities between the two cameras (resolution, small size, the lack of built in AF motor for use with older lenses etc.) but also pretty distinct differences including a swivel display, WIFI/GPS, better AF system, better battery life and more (all in favor of the D5300 of course).

On the video Northrup also talks a bit about the two Nikon kit lenses – the basic 18-55 and the longer (better) 18-140mm we recently tested ourselves). From our own expirience we can clearly say that if you have the money – go for the 18-140mm – the range is much more practical than the 18-55mm and it is built pretty well (much better than the older 18-105mm Nikon) and has decent IQ.

We recently had a full review of the new Nikon D5300 here and we found it to be a very capable camera with the best image quality of any APS-C Nikon camera to date (and one of the best in its class overall).

More guides and comparisons of photographic gear can be found on our photography gear guides – here on LensVid.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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