5 Simple Cinematic Camera Movements You Can Make with Premiere Pro

This video by portrait photographer Nathaniel Dodson (from the website tutvid) takes a look at 5 different “cinematic” type moves that you can do in post production in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Although some people might suggest that it is better to do as much as you can in camera (which is generally a very good and time saving advice), there are situations where it is not possible (or practical) to do so and here is where creating movements in post production enters the picture and this is what this whole video is about.

Now although Dodson suggest (and he is certainly correct) that you can do this with 1080 video – you will have much more flexibility if you shoot in 4K and edit for 1080p. This isn’t a must but you will just have so much more room to play around with and the zoom in image will still be plenty sharp.

Dodson goes over 5 different types of movements – all of them are based on the same technique with small changes to adapt to the specific effect – here is the table of content for the video:

  1. 00:49 – The Pan/Slide Movement
  2. 03:13 – Cinematic Zoom Technique
  3. 06:26 – Rotation Zoom Effect
  4. 07:54 – Tracking/Counter-Tracking Technique
  5. 10:21 – 3D Camera Movement

You can find more Premiere Pro related video on this link here on LensaVid. You can also check Dodson’s previous videos here.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of LensVid.com. He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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