Which Light Modifier Work Best?

On this video portrait photographer Joe Edelman looks at how different types of lights effect your image.

There are many types of lighting modifiers – there are  Umbrellas, softboxes, brolly boxes and beauty dishes and each has its own unique look. On this video Edelman demonstrates how each of them look on your subject and gives some interesting and useful tips (including the not so obvious one – that when it comes to light modifiers – more expensive doesn’t always mean better and it really depends on what it is that you are looking for and you can achieve quite a bit with fairly inexpensive stuff).

The main reason why all of these modifiers exist is to prevent harsh shadows that are created by direct flash and of course as you already know if you watched almost any of our other videos on lighting – the bigger the light source, the softer the light you will get.

Bonus Video: One light for portraits and headshots with Joe Edelman


We have quite a few videos on light modifiers including several specific to using softboxes such as “Soft Boxes 101” and How to Feather SoftBox Light and more recently “Softboxes Explained: Different Softboxes – Different Looks“.

You can find lot more lighting tutorials on our photography lighting section here on LensVid.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of LensVid.com. He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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