How to Replace a Face in a Photo Using Photoshop

On this video Marty Geller from Blue Lightning TV explains how to replace a face in an image using Photoshop.

Before we go on to talk about actually changing or swapping a face in Photoshop we have a tip. When shooting several people together – always ask to take a number of pictures (at least 3-4 images and if you are shooing a large group even more). The reason for this is that in all likelihood if you will take only one image – somebody won’t be looking fine (either they will be blinking or their face will not be perfect or there will be some problem – and in many cases you won’t notice this until you will look at the image on the computer – by than it might be too late. So do yourself a favor and shoot a bit more.

Now that we have that cleared, let’s talk about swapping faces. Open the two photos (the one with the original face and the one with the new face). Now use the rectangular mar-key tool to select the face (and shoulders in this case) and using cmd/cntrl J paste it onto a new layer. Now to move it to the other photo press v and drag it to the other photo tab (don’t stop pressing the mouse). Now you might need to re-size the face and align it – make the new face semi transparent and put it roughly on top of the old one. To make them match in size press cmd/cntl T and re-size. Now click on the layer mask to create one and invert it by clicking cmd/cntrl I.

Now use the brush (white) and reveal the new face to make it fit as best you can to the rest of the image. The final fixes can be done using the clone stamp – and there you have it – you switched faces!

You can find many more Photoshop video tutorials on LensVid’s Photoshop section. You can find more of Geller videos here on LensVid as well.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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