6 Ways to Change Colors in Photoshop

In this video, Colin Smith from PhotoshopCAFE shows 6 useful tips on changing the color of an image or part of an image in Photoshop.

The first method includes selecting an area in the photo and us a hue-saturation layer to add a group and apply a mask and add a gradient tool that is linear with foreground to background and click and drag on top of the image which will give us an interesting blend of the two-color.

The second method changes a color (if you have a solid color for example) by adding hue saturation adjustment layer use the sample mode and by using the color picker you get a sample of the color and then you can change the hue and get any color that you want (keep in mind that in some images and colors this will not work perfectly – for example with hair).

The third method is very similar but in this case, you can add a mask after changing the color and make sure that you use a black brush over effected areas that you don’t want to change after applying a mask.

The next method is more of a brute force way but it can work if you want to work quickly. All you need to do is select the area with the color you want to change and use a brush to paint over it. Now change the blend mode to color. if you want to fine-tune the color of it you can add a hue-saturation and play with the colors.

A different method includes the gradients in the window menu. Choose a tone you like and drop it on top of your image and change to color blend mode – this will create a gradient over the photo and play with the opacity (really cool). If you want to apply it to the actual photo you can do this in a different way by using a gradient map – choose that in the adjustment layers open all the ingredients (by clicking the ctrl) and choose the gradient that you want (you can inverse it) this will give you a different look.

The final method will create a gradient as an adjustment layer and add the legacy ingredients and this will allow us to add the rainbow gradient and you can play with the size and you can change the actual rainbow colors by double click on the document and find the colors that we want to work with (and of course you can play with the opacity and don’t forget to use the color blend mode).

Changing colors in Photoshop is a very popular topic which we covered here extensively. You can check out “How to Change the Color of Anything in Photoshop”, “3 Ways of Changing Makeup Color In Photoshop CC” as well as “Changing Color in Photoshop with… a B&W Adjustment Layer (Under 1 min)” by Smith himself. If you are interested in working with colors in general check out this page on LensVid.

You can find many more Photoshop video tutorials on LensVid’s Photoshop section. You can find more PhotoshopCAFE videos here on LensVid.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of LensVid.com. He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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