The Power of Color Look Up Tables in Photoshop

On this  video tutorial photographer Glyn Dewis shows how to use Color Look Up Tables (LUTs) in Photoshop.

Most of us think of using LUTs in video editing software but they can also be used in Photoshop (both for stills and video editing). The idea is that you can add different coloring effects (more than one), save them and load them at any time or use existing or downloaded sets to give your image a different look.

This might be similar in some ways to presets and even actions but there are some differences as Dewis explains (which might or might not matter to you – but it is good to have more options).

This actually isn’t the first time that we have been looking at LUTs in Photoshop. You can also check out  Jesús Ramirez (from PTC) video on this subject.

For anybody who has no idea what LUTs are and why use them – we simply must bring you this bonus video again (it is just so well made – and explains the basic concept behind LUTs).

Color grading LUTs explained (with cats)


You can find many more Photoshop video tutorials on LensVid’s Photoshop section. You can also find more of Dewis’ videos on LensVid on this link.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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