Shooting an Ice Cream “Commercial” Behind The Scenes

On this behind the scenes video photographer, Daniel Schiffer takes us behind the scenes of a mock shot of an ice cream commercial and shows how he works and shoots the B-roll for the video.

Schiffer has been doing several behind the scenes videos of food photography recently and since we also shoot many food videos for our vegan food channel Veggiez as well as commercial clients seeing how other photographers in this industry work is always fascinating.

This time around Schiffer doesn’t use fancy lenses or sliders but relays mostly on his own ability to move the camera handheld in the correct way that will result in a scene that actually looks seamless.

Shooting in slow motion (60p or 120p if possible) is always a good idea but sometimes you can go by using 30p on a 24p timeline and it will still look pretty natural.

As with his previous BTS videos, Schiffer shows how he uses “sound design” to elevate his video – this is a super important part of these types of videos and it can make the difference between a good video and one which will help you get your next big client. Of course, don’t forget the music which should be the glue that holds the entire project together.

Bonus video: How Realistic Fake Foods Are Made For TV And Movies

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If you are into food photography and videography we have a special sub-section here on LensVid dedicated specifically to food photography. You can also find all of Schiffer’s other videos published here on this link.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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