iPhone 6s vs. Sony A7Rii 4K Video Comparison Test

Lee Morris from Fstoppers just posted a video comparison of the new iPhone 6s vs. Sony A7RMark II both shooting 4K video – the results are pretty interesting.

So it might sound a bit funny comparing a $3K+ camera (with a full frame sensor and high end lens) to a tiny smartphone sensor but when shooting video in good to decent light this is actually a pretty valid test (or at the very least an interesting one).

So how did the iPhone did compared to to the pro level camera? pretty good actually. This isn’t a very scientific test but you can see a difference in detail levels – mostly we would say due to the tiny poor lens of the iPhone, however in general the details on the iPhone seem to be very good.

What did look far less impressive was the dynamic range – which is a known issue of smartphones with their small sensors – just look at the highlights and shadows in some of the recorded video. Still for a smartphone this is pretty decent.

Some of you might remember that a bout a year ago we published a different video comparison between the Samsung Galaxy NOTE 3 V.S. (shot in 4K) and the Canon 5D Mark III (shot in 1080p) and you can clearly see a difference even though the first was a smartphone and the second was a full frame pro level camera (which does lack 4K).

Bonus video – iPhone 6S Plus Review | Initial Thoughts, Color Grading, Dynamic Range, & 4k Quality by the guys at RGG EDU


More guides and comparisons of photographic gear can be found on our photography gear guides – here on LensVid.


Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of LensVid.com. He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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