Behind The Scenes: Shooting Social Videos for Start Ups

Its been a very long time since we covered a behind the scenes video here on LensVid, however, we recently camera across an interesting one by Kitty, Atola Visuals which shows a small production her company recently done for a client in San Fransisco.

At first glance there is nothing too unique about the shoots Kitty is showing in this video, however, we feel that these are actually pretty representative of a lot of corporate shoots that are currently taking place in many places around the world.

Companies are looking for ways to increase their exposure online and through social networks and creating both videos and stills (in many cases together) is a powerful way of doing that. In the case of this video Kitt’s client – Zeus Living, wanted a shoot that will help them present their product – personalized temporary living.

In the video, Kitty talks about the gear she used and shows how many of the shots were taken. You should especially note how light she packs for a shoot (we have done much smaller shoots with far more gear and knowing what to take and what NOT to take with you to a shoot is almost an art and it is something that you learn only by working as much as you can in the field.

Talking about taking compact gear – many of the places where these shots were done in are small – really small. This poses a challenge – especially if you need to bring in several cameras from different angles and lighting (both flexible lighting and modern small size powerful LEDs that are no available are really useful in this respect from our experience).

As always, you can find many more behind the scenes videos on the BTS section here on LensVid.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

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