Light-emitting diode (LED) technology has been around for decades but only in the past decade or so we started seeing it implemented in professional-grade video and cinema lights when it is gradually replacing (or at least working alongside traditional HMI and other proven lighting technologies).
There are different types of LEDs for video and cinema work, the two most common types are LED panels which include a large number of smaller LED lights, and more recently also COBs (chip on board) which are round chops with microarrays of LEDs.
LEDs can come in different sizes and outputs from very small battery-powered handheld units to giant fixtures that can easily light an entire room.
LED has other advantages over traditional lights including much better power efficiency which leads to far less heat and thus fan noise as well as the ability to use many more lights with normal household electricity.
There are also LEDs in fabric form which allows for very flexible and compact uses in places where light fixures could never be used before inside cars on low ceilings and more.
In this section, we bring you all the latest news and reviews from the video and Cinema world regarding new LEDs, their features, technology, performance, and pricing.