During IBC 2022 we had a chance to check out the new Avenger Buccaneer light stand designed with ultra heavy loads in mind and very easy and secure operation as demonstrated by Joe from Videndum (formally Vitec).
Avenger Buccaneer Stand
Avenger has been known for its grip and light stands for many decades now. We actually own several Avenger stands including one of the company’s large Wind-Up Stands, but nothing really prepared us for the new super heavy-duty Avenger Buccaneer Stand that was shown on IBC for the first time.
Avenger Buccaneer at IBC
The Avenger Buccaneer is a relative of the Long John Silver series Avenger had for some years now, however, it has the lowest loading height of any of the stands in this series (94cm) which means that you can safely load even a heavy light without stretching too much (which you don’t want to do when lifting an 80kg light which is the max payload of the stand).
While having a min height of 94cm / 3.1ft, the Buccaneer can still be lifted to a height of 3m / 9.84 ft which is quite impressive. The lifting itself is done using a dual crank mechanism and trying this in the show with a fairly heavy load we were actually surprised by how easy it was (going down takes just one hand and going up can be very quick with two).
The Avenger Buccaneer lower part
The Buccaneer has several accessory points if you need to connect controllers and a ballast mounting point as well. The unit itself weighs in at 75kg, it has a top 1 1/8″ (28mm) socket for large lights and it folds in a very sleek way and is very easily transportable by a single person using the wheels when folded.
Pricing and availability
According to Joe, the unit should be available for purchase right now for around $8000.
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