Today we have the second video we shot at IBC with Karol Pietka at the Irix booth and this time around we are discussing Irix upcoming cine lenses and the soon-to-be-released new 150mm T3 Cine none macro lens.
Last week we posted our first interview with Pietka from IBC talking about the upcoming Irix Magnetic Matte Box, on this second video we are posting today we are going to discuss lenses and specifically, Irix’s upcoming Cine lenses with some interesting information that was shared with us during the show about what’s to come in the near future.
Irix Cine Lens line 2022-2023
Currently, Irix has 6 lenses in its Cine line comprising of the following focal lengths: 11mm, 15mm, 21mm, 30mm, 45mm, and 150mm. As you can see there is a huge gap between the 45mm and the 150mm lenses.
According to Pietka the company is planning 2 new lenses to fill the existing gap between 45mm and 150mm with one lens coming out this year or early next year. These lenses will likely be T1.5. This is all that we can share at the moment on this but we will keep you updated as soon as anything new will come up.
Irix 150mm Cine None Macro version
There was one other piece of information Pietka shared with us on IBC 2022 and that is that the company got a lot of requests for a version of the 150mm that is not designed for macro work but more for general use telephoto shooting.
The existing 150mm T3 macro Cine lens from Irix – a new none macro version is coming soon
The company heard those requests and is currently developing a modified version of its existing 150mm Cine macro lens that will be more optimized for telephoto work and have a min focal distance of around 60-70cm instead of around 30cm of the existing macro version. The lens will also have a redesigned focusing scale better suited for telephoto work.
We do not have specific pricing or release date for the none macro version of the 150mm lens at this point.
For more of our coverage on LensVid from IBC 2022 – please visit the following link.

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