Kamerar BrightCast Flexible LED Light Panel Review

On this video photographer Curtis Judd decided to take a quick look at the Kamerar BrightCast LED Light – another affordable option for those looking for a flexible LED.

LEDs are improving all the time and recently we started seeing better and better flexible LEDs. The BrightCast V15 is a flexible LED panel with 256 color-tunable LED chips and can be powered via battery (v-mount style batteries) or via AC. While in the past color quality was a big problem on sub-$1000 LEDs, according to Judd the BrightCast has a CRI of 97 and his tests confirm that the color quality is very good.

Flexible LEDs are typically lighter, they can be shaped more easily and are also simpler and more convenient to carry with you and they can be attached in ways that hard frame lights can not.

The brightcast starts at around $325.

There are quite a few flexible LEDs around and we have posted quite a few videos on the subject including Raglite – The Ultimate Flexible LightFlex Lite – Welcome to the Flexible Lighting RevolutionA Look at the Brightcast Variable15 Flexible LEDs and How to Make a DIY Flexible LED Panel.

You can find many more previews and reviews on our Photography review section here on LensVid. You can also check out more of Judd’s videos on our subsection here.

Iddo Genuth
Iddo Genuth is the founder and chief editor of LensVid.com. He has been a technology reporter working for international publications since the late 1990's and covering photography since 2009. Iddo is also a co-founder of a production company specializing in commercial food and product visual content.

1 comment

  1. How is it that the shutter speed of the camera was adjusted via a pot on an audio mixer? Or is that not an audio mixer?

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